WAI audit consultancy work available

We are receiving increasing demand for WAI web site audits from both 
commercial and public sector organisations, mostly here in Scotland. 
These reports evaluate an existing site, generally to Level 1 or 
Level 2 standard, identifying and problems and issues, and 
prioritising recommendations for improvement.

We have a small existing network of well qualified people we can 
subcontract some of this work to on a consultancy basis, but the 
demand is looking like it could soon overtake our capacity to deal 
with it all.  We'd therefore like to invite anyone with good WAI 
skills who might be interested in contracting to do some of this work 
to get in touch.

Depending on the scale of the site and the client in question, this 
could be anything from a few hours work at a time upwards.  The main 
skills we need are excellent understanding of WAI standards, and good 
reporting skills (including English language clearly and 
grammatically).  Some experience of the business sector would also be 
helpful, as recommendations need to be commercially realistic whilst 
taking the standards seriously. Geographical location is not 
important as it can all be done online.

Please get in touch directly in the first instance with CV and/or 
examples of similar work you've done, and if possible references. 
Please also let us know what hourly rate you would ask for, and what 
sort of timescale you might expect to be able to respond to requests 
for work on.


    \__/    Dr Nick Fiddes                     nick@clan.com
    /  \    Managing Director           mobile: 07050 169167
  _ \__/ _  ================================================
  \\ || //  Scotweb Limited,             info@scotweb.ltd.uk
   \\||//   13a Albert Terrace,    http://www.scotweb.ltd.uk
    \||/    Edinburgh EH10 5EA     Tel  +44 (0) 131 270 8233
     ||     Scotland. Europe.      Fax  +44 (0) 7020 934 904

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 09:23:55 UTC