Re: Media : New Zealand E-Government Strategy Launched

This is a cheap shot, but I can't resist [grin].  In looking at
the background to the NZ e-government strategy, I looked at their
"e-government web guidelines".  This includes a section on
standards conformance, including HTML - which is all very
laudable.  Inter alia it requires the inclusion of a DOCTYPE
declaration in every HTML page ... but does the page making this
stipulation have a DOCTYPE declaration?  Yup, you guessed ... (in
fact, the W3 validator returns a long list of violations in
addition to the lack of DOCTYPE).

If you want to savour the irony youself, I give the URL below;
but for those of you listening rather than reading, be warned
that this is a rather long and horrible URL...


- Barry.


Received on Friday, 27 April 2001 04:25:42 UTC