Accessible Chatroom Techniques

Is anyone aware of accessible chat room software? Of all the chat rooms I've
tested recently, all seem to have essential features that violate several
WCAG Priority 1 Recommendations (for example auto-refreshing content for
room participants and their status).

A possible solution for visually impaired users is to use email, and carbon
copy everyone, but then it's not a chat room and an email list.

Any thoughts on that? I tested "HTML based" chat rooms (as opposed to
JavaScript and Java versions) and the auto-refreshing content is real
troublesome with screen readers. Though I was able to overcome some of that
using JAWs PC cursor mode, I still had to have vision to see where to move
the cursor to.

Thanks! - Joel

Joel Sanda 
Quality Assurance Manager
p. 303.873.7400 x 3021
m 303.883.4468
f. 303.873.7449 
> "Educators Working for Educators"

Received on Friday, 20 April 2001 15:33:45 UTC