RE: !important

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> In my opinion, while the ability in CSS to override creator styles
> is a nice thing, I feel that it's not a good "solution" because it
> requires users to understand how configure their software in a way
> that is not very apparent nor easy to do.  This introduces an extra
> hurdle to
> accessibility -- "hi, user, you need to learn CSS to write yourself
> a stylesheet" or even "hi, user, you need to learn how to choose
> your own stylesheet after downloading it" if using a library of CSS
> written by someone else -- and puts too much _technical_ burden on
> the end users.

I disagree - ish!

At the moment user CSS isn't that workable a solution due to both the
amount of technical expertise required to create it, and the fact
that poorly coded pages are likely to become even less accessible to
at least some users when a custom style is applied.

On the other hand it does have two advantages on server-side
solutions. The first is that there is no need to indicate to the
server in any way what the requirements for a given user are, this
means less work for both the server in terms of processing per page
and also for the user, once they have their css in place. The other
is that it could potentially deal with accessibility issues that
haven't been considered when the server-side solution was dealt with,
and perhaps to a finer degree of customisation.

I think it's reasonable to assume that user css will become easier to
configure, since that is the trend with practically all technologies,
and in the near future it will become a useful accessibility tool,
and also a tool used by all of us to make our browsing experiences
closer to our personal preferences.

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Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 13:08:44 UTC