RE: Bobby blows whistle...

> This ties in with the whole discussion about "Flash, DHTML
> artists as the enemy" (or not) -- web accessibility is primarily
> a battle of education and information, not of persuasion.  Web
> sites are not accessible because people are mean or even stupid,
> they are inaccessible because people are ignorant and need to
> be taught.

The flurry of recent discussion about the Bobby symbol shows this group
understands that visual images are important but I will return to Kynn's
earlier statement, shown above. His perspective is right on target and
pertinent for the population I work with and talk with every day --
graphic designers, artists, who design web sites.

I'm one of them, I'm married to one, I work with them -- and I am the only
one who studies accessible design because of passion for the topic. They
are passionate about their work, their art, their creations, and their
nifty tools like Flash and Javascript and PDF and making art of type to
control its appearance. I use those tools, too. Love 'em.

What I want these folks to have, and what I try to give, is coaching and
routine conversation and examples of how they can use all those tools and
still be accessible.

../tom mcCain

tom 'n' mindy mcCain

designers of really neat web stuff
since before the turn of the last century | | | indianapolis, indiana usa

Received on Thursday, 7 September 2000 13:43:02 UTC