RE: conference

At 11:15 AM +0100 9/7/00, Dave  J Woolley wrote:
>  > From:	Kynn Bartlett []
>  > DHTML is _not_ the threat; the threat is webmasters who don't
>>  understand how to use them properly.
>	[DJW:] 
>	In the context of books and conferences, I'd
>	say the real threat was authors and speakers
>	who pander to the "wants" of such people.  I
>	don't know the speakers in this conference, but
>	most books and many authoring web site fall in
>	that category.

Calling it "pandering" and dismissing the "wants" -- which are
often based on pretty sound, if not inclusive, principles of
marketing and design -- is a good way to get these people to
not listen to us. :)

>  > If we make sweeping statements that "DHTML is bad" or "Flash
>	[DJW:] 
>	I find it interesting to note that such a statement
>is usually made about PDF (actually, on the
>sort of site that is likely to use flash etc., it is the
>PDF that is likely to contain real information, not the
>HTML - I tend to treat the HTML as a hazard to navigation
>in finding the PDF).

I don't like it when people claim, in a vacuum, that PDF is
inaccessible either.  The presence of PDF does _not_ make a site
inaccessible; it's the _absence_ of non-PDF access to the
content which does so!
Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Thursday, 7 September 2000 09:22:19 UTC