This list not accessible from WebTV (was: DISCARD, from MsgrBen@w

> From: []
> and messages are not understandabe so kinddly remove my name, and I
> thank you for your help.
[DJW:] Given the subject 
of this list, you should 
persist and explain why 
the list is not accessible
with WebTV, as I'm sure that
the members of the list would
not want that to be the case.

The correct way of unsubscribing
is to send mail to with
the subject set to the single word
"unsubscribe".  If you use a
subject starting with Re:, you
can email the list maintainer.

Note, if you were maliciously 
subscribed to the list, you should
probably contact your service
provider for help in tracking down
whoever did it. 

(Note for other subscribers:  it is
likely that any email clients set for
HTML, for example Outlook Express, out
of the box, could cause accessibility 
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Received on Monday, 4 September 2000 06:31:05 UTC