Re: Fw: Thank you!

At 12:35 PM 9/1/2000 , William Loughborough wrote:
>In at least the commonest definition of the word "read", the matter that
>one reads is "text".

This isn't necessarily the case, William.  There is a lot of
reading that is non-textual.

I _highly_ recommend, to everyone on this list, the book "Understanding
Comics" by Scott McCloud.  It deals with the (U.S.) comic book medium
and has some interesting thoughts and concepts on the "language of
comics" as a blend between graphical and text media.

In fact, I have it on the shelf behind me at work as I type this,
beside my XHTML, XSLT, CSS, usability, and disability references.


Kynn Bartlett  <>             
Director of Accessibility, Edapta        
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director               
Vote for Liz for N. Am. ICANN Nominee!

Received on Friday, 1 September 2000 15:43:41 UTC