Tears & Usability was: Re: Logical Linearized Order on a Page

I don't have documentation, merely common sense.

The name and the concept of XML are beyond most, I guess most non-geeks
would balk at CC/PP,  and turn the page as faast. It's your site but surely
w3c.org/members must be clear to anyone even vaguely familiar with the web.
The rates they pay, surely someone answers the phone?

I realise that you are trying to meet the needs of the public, as well as
your backers.
Do you have links to your usability testing?
In particular, where the public is concerned:
If it shows how you've improved, or how you will improve your homepages.
I for one would be genuinly interested.

Whilst I frequently cry real tears at the cinema, I cannot remember the last
book that involved me emotionally that much. There really is nothing wrong
with pictures and animation, it is good enough for most advertisers, car
manufacturers, holiday brochures, drain cleaners. Scriptwriters and
storytellers like it to. If it is felt that pictures are too slow to
download for the present, then use words by all means, but keep it simple.
Interoperability is a word used rarely by the mass-media in the UK.

It is only by directly involving and responding to the public that you will
learn their interests and abilities, currently your audience is between you
and us.

jonathan chetwynd

special needs teacher
web accessibility consultant

Received on Sunday, 27 August 2000 11:34:06 UTC