[WAI] Netscape 6.0

Hi all:

I know the Netscape 6.0 (preview) thread appeared a few weeks ago, but I
just successfully downloaded this version today... I was shocked to find
that none of the tags that make our site (http://clerk.house.gov) accessible
work properly!  The table summary tag seems to overwrite every alt tag,
regardless of whether it is a graphic or image map.  Only on the first page
does Netscape 6.0 generates the title tag from the header as an alt tag
instead of the appropriate alt tag... 

I also noticed problems with alt tags on the Washington Post site and the
W3C site... Does anyone else have this problem?  I am horrified to say the
least and have sent Netscape a message about the problem via a feedback
form... Please let me know if anyone else is having the same problem...

Brooke Dine
Sr. Web Specialist
Office of the Clerk/OPS
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
ph: 202.226.4943

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2000 16:50:01 UTC