RE: PDF Alternatives?

I'd be happy to consider anything in the near term that does not joepardize
the long term.  I cannot think of anything that is not either hugely
expensive or inaccessable though.  there are several ways to go for access
but they take time and resources to implement.  there are other ways to go
as well but the access is not there.  For instance, if you made the form
available through phone voice response, you'd leave out those who cannot use
that technology of which I fear there are a considerable number.  this
number has as at least a part of it some who cannot access pdf.  You could
put human interaction into the equasion at the other end of the phone and
much of that problem could be over come.  I'd be willing to have a form I
could read, write down the answers and deliver them via phone.  That would
work in the short run but the goal is still plain for lots of reasons.  in
the long run, it is less expensive to do data collection through the e than
through the p.  it should be less prone to erors and other misshaps as well.
finally, it achieves parity in that it is available 24-7 which might not be
the case with the p.

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2000 11:07:23 UTC