RE: How do I use CSS to fake a button?

I owe a great deal of thanks to Karl Hufthammer.  My pwKiosk pages are
coming together, but I am just about out of time on a very hard deadline.
Apologies for abusing the list this way, but:

How do I use CSS to put running text into two columns (newspaper style).  I
could just use a table with two cells, but StyleSheets have done everything
else I wanted so far...

I believe this question was answered before, but I can't find it.

BTW, the site in question (not much there really, but its a start) is at
Links of class "ez_menu" are incorporated into the "EZ Access" switch
Anything of class "ez_text" is spoken.

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2000 11:22:12 UTC