Re: Personalised interfaces (was Re: appropriate hypertext)

At 3:42 PM -0400 7/19/00, Al Gilman wrote:
>Alternatives to Universal Documents have their own problems and are not
>automatically to be preferred, either.

One of the problems -- so that I don't sound like a pure proponent
of one approach or another! -- is that it's very hard to make the
-right- decision for someone else, even if you know plenty about
them and their environment.  There's point at which you have to make
assumptions and feel that you know "what's best" for the user, and
provide that interface for them.

Of course, the current state of the art of web design is that the
web designer creates _one_ interface, "knowing what's best", and
doesn't care how badly it fits, so this is probably a step up. :)
Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2000 17:21:35 UTC