Re: How do I use CSS to fake a button?

At 5:20 PM -0400 7/18/00, Bruce Bailey wrote:
>Is there a way to use CSS to make hypertext look like a button?  I 
>know how to change the
>appearances of links, but my experimentation has not gotten me 
>anything that comes close to
>approximating a "raised three dimensional" look that users have come 
>to expect of graphical
>image buttons.

You can view the source of the HTML Writers Guild's web pages -- and -- as they have
"raised buttons" that are done entirely in CSS + HTML tables, not
in graphics.  Note that this doesn't display as buttons in
Netscape, as Netscape has poor CSS support.
Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2000 18:41:40 UTC