Short survey for keyboard navigation.

We are having some debates on what key strokes to use to switch between
the URL field, a sidebar and a web page when using a browser. If you can
please help out by supplying some data points for us it would help us do
the right thing. I am trying to get feed back from people who do not
build web pages or software if you could pass this on to people who
might care we might get a good sample size.

Answer the questions any way  you can and return it by Email to
( I am using mouse to mean any similar pointing devices)

Start Survey.

Do you program or design web pages or web based applications?

How do you use the keyboard to navigate in a browser:
a. Exclusively (do not use the mouse)
b. Primarily (use the mouse)
c. Split about evenly for navigation tasks between a mouse and the
d. Occasionally (use the mouse for most navigation tasks)
e. Seldom (when I can't use the mouse)
f.  Never

What operating system do you primarily work on? (Windows 98, Mac,
Linux...)________ version?  ________
What Browser do you use most often? (Internet Explorer,
Navigator...)_____________________ version? ______

How do you navigate from window to window with in an application?
How do you navigate from application to application?
How do you currently navigate from URl to Page?
How do you want to navigate to a sidebar? ( The sidebar is an area or
the browser out side of the page where you can perform functions
independently of the web page or interactively with the page)

In mail, how so you navigate to the different areas on the main page?

That's it.

Thanks for you time and help.

Lake Roca

Received on Friday, 31 March 2000 14:49:17 UTC