Re: Bill Frezza and the ADA

At 07:28 AM 03/16/2000 -0500, Kathleen Anderson wrote:
>Read more feedback regarding Bill Frezza's recent column on the Americans
>with Disabilities Act as well as his rebuttal.

As quick news analysis -- Frezza's response seems at least 50%
more wordy and "defensive" than it needs to be, continually
reminding us that he writes a column and setting up straw men
of the sort "well, if you don't agree, then you're trying to
gouge out my eyes and shut me down and that's pretty

Weird response.  I think he'd have been better off by simply
not writing a rebuttal, or at least, keeping it as short as

Kynn Bartlett <>
Governing Board Member, HTML Writers Guild <URL:>
Director, Accessible Web Authoring Resources and Education Center

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2000 08:23:38 UTC