Re: Tool Tip behavior


At 15:58 2000-03-03 -0500, Bruce Bailey wrote:
>Dear Marjolein et al.,
>Thanks for addressing both my question and my problem -- even though the two
>turned out not to be terribly related!  Apologies to all about the missing
>Subject line!
>Getting back to, from an access point of view, the
>main problem is the missing ALT content.  These are the folks who were
>deliberately removing ALT tags because it distracted from their desired
>JavaScript mouse-over behavior.


>Is there JavaScript code that suppresses this default "tool-top/pop-up"
>behavior of IE?  I was hoping that TITLE="" would do it, but that doesn't
>sound like it would be the case.

I should hope not! I *use* the tooltips. If I came across a page that had ALT attributes and managed to use JavaScript to suppress the tooltips, I'd immediately construct a filter for my trusted Proxomitron (an HTML/JavaScript filter program that functions as a local proxy) to suppress that suppressing JavaScript so no other site could do that to me again. ;-)

Seriously though, I don't think it's possible.


>The work around was to have the main page pretty much JavaScript free
>(yeah!) but have one script that invoked the JavaScript oriented site
>instead.  This was even better!
>         <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
>         <!--
>                 top.location.href=("");
>         //-->
>         </SCRIPT>

But it's still a tradeoff between downloading extra bytes (which would be ignored) and an extra connect. Which is more efficient? I have no idea. And you have two pages to maintain (or generate) instead of one.


Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Friday, 3 March 2000 16:57:10 UTC