RE: What's the scoop on Lynx for DOS

Dear Alan,

There is a version of Lynx for Win32 (95/98/NT) and one for 386+.
I use the Win32 version regularly.  It is quite comparable to the Unix
version I sometimes telnet to.  You can find a download link from URL: (fifth link on the page).
The Win32 version (runs in an MSDOS window) requires you to establish a
connection to your ISP through the Windows OS (via Dia-Up Networking or

There are links there to the pure DOS version, which I have not tried.  It
looks like the DosLynx has been updated as of March 1st!  The author warns
that this is quote a "development" version, not a "release" version unquote.
Last I heard, DosLynx was really annoying because several navigation keys
were hard mapped to letter keys.  This means that one could NOT type in many
raw URLs.  That was a few years back, so I assume that this defect has been

Installation of the Win32 version of Lynx was pretty straight forward:  (1)
download the .zip archive.  (2) Expand (unzip) the archive in the directory
of your choice.  (3) Make shortcuts to the lynx.exe on your desktop or in
your Start menu.  Most Windows installation packages have you download an
.exe and they then perform the latter steps for you, but not this one!

That handles your question 1-3, I hope someone else can fill in the details
on the pure DOS version.

Good luck!
Bruce Bailey

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Alan Cantor
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 1:40 PM
> To: WAI Interest Group
> Subject: What's the scoop on Lynx for DOS
> My IPS is about to discontinue shell account access, and with it,
> support for
> Lynx, which is my browser of choice for most things. I recall
> hearing about a
> Dos-based version of Lynx that can be run on a Windows-based PC. Three
> questions:
> 1. How does Dos Lynx compare with Unix Lynx?
> 2. Can the program be installed by a technophobe?
> 3. Where do you get it?
> Alan
> Alan Cantor
> Cantor + Associates
> Workplace Accommodation Consultants

Received on Friday, 3 March 2000 15:28:11 UTC