RE: About ABBR

At 07:24 AM 2/19/2000 , Neff, Robert wrote:
>The same reason that has kept people from using the ABBR or ACRONYM tag is
>the same reason ALT was not routinely used.  And that is page authoring
>tools have not incorporated this feature.  
>Once ALT , Height and Width were put into page authoring tools, it became
>easy to use.  So until page authoring tools allow a box for ABBR and
>Acronym, it will not gain wide acceptance. 

I have to disagree -- the support for HEIGHT, WIDTH, and ALT came
about when browsers started supporting them, not when authoring tools
started supporting them.  People began using HEIGHT and WIDTH because
it made pages "load faster" in Netscape, not because some group of
tools supported them.

ALT has been supported in most authoring tools (but not prominently)
for years now.  However, the use of ALT text as "tool tips" by
major browsers has had a *much* greater effect on the acceptance of
ALT than anything done by any page authoring tools.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2000 17:43:40 UTC