Re: Computerworld Online - Does disabilities act apply to cyberspace?

At 05:27 PM 2/9/00 -0800, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>>                Elizabeth Dorminey, an attorney at Wimberly, Lawson
>>                Steckel Nelson & Schneider PC in Athens, Ga., said the
>>                ADA applies to private entities that provide "public
>>                accommodations" -- a term that doesn't include the
>>                Internet, Internet service providers or private Web
>>                sites.
>Yeah, don't be silly, web sites aren't for the public!  It's
>not like e-commerce sites are CONTINUALLY spoken about as "in
>competition with brick-and-mortar" stores!  Clearly, brick-and-
>mortar stores are for those handicapped people, while the web
>is only for us "fully functional" folks.
The odd thing here is that she claims to be less than fully functional ---
Macular Degeneration - so bad she can't drive and has to work from home
using the 
Internet and Large Fonts ......

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2000 04:29:20 UTC