Accessibility, linux and UA

I have been given a second notebook to enable our CDstudents to trial linux.

I am getting used to using jaws and ie5 and being able to tab around web
pages, use shortcuts to open menus and jaws to hear what is going on.

I've been trying jaws with netscape in windows, (until I have a linux speech
synthesiser working.)
altF opens the file menu and the down arrow navigates, but jaws does not
give sound output.
jaws does not read the page content.
Also i cannot seem to navigate webpages using the tab button.
Is it me?

jaws seems to work with nearly all my windows applications except
Bizarrely jaws even works with Clicker4 which has its own speech
synthesiser, jaws speaking the menus whilst clicker speaks the content.
What UA setup using linux would best replace jaws and ie5?

Could someone please point me to some great linux accessibility links?
ps you're not the only bunch i am pestering.
jonathan chetwynd
special needs teacher
web accessibility consultant

Received on Monday, 19 June 2000 10:25:54 UTC