RE: Web Authoring Tools that are Both Accessible and Produce Accessible Content

>Correction -- Go Live 4.0 does not conform to WAI. The "report" is for a
>future version. Go Live does support CSS and Alt text, but no accessibility
>prompting or validation. There are issues around the accessibility of its
>interface as well.

I was talking about GoLive 5. It's just about to be released. That's 
why I mentioned that i use HTML tidy on the output.

>However, Adobe is committed to accessibility of Go Live, Acrobat and PDF as
>well as other layered products it produces. All work in progress at this

Yes, i hope this work makes good progress. Other seem a little 
frustrated with them. I'm sure they will get it right in the end. I 
think XML and other technologies are finally putting the tools into 
the hands of commercial software companies the means to develop 
powerful applications that also conform to open standards. I think a 
properly designed PDF/XML system would be a wonderful tool for 
accessible media. Combinine clear text, Quicktime audio content, and 
wrap that up in an XML/SMIL structured document which can be easily 
searched, and re-purposed for different devices. If you're going to 
do it, do it properly. Hopefully T.V Raman's time at adobe has had 
some influence.

I shall be waiting with baited breath.

I do find it ironic, though, the way Microsoft try to be all "high 
visibility" on accessibility issues and solutions, when they are one 
of the main reasons computers are less accessible in the first place.


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2000 00:51:18 UTC