RE: an accessibility tool

That is interesting, but I am not sure it has any merits over the WCAG.  The
links are, IMHO, mislabeled.  I read "link to the HTML 2.0 test" and thought
"how quaint, but I am really interested in HTML 4x".  I read "link to the
JavaScript test" and thought "Great!  Someone has put together guidelines
for what makes Scripts accessible!"  I was wrong on both counts!

The same 27 questions are available as plain HTML pages or via a series of
pages that use JavaScript.

I am skeptical of the resultant scoring.  Each question is worth a variable
number of points but, for example, the P1 checkpoints regarding multimedia
are worth only between 1 and 3 points.

> is designed for testing web pages for accessibility interactively.  the
> blurb I read says it is geared toward low end browsers.

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 09:06:54 UTC