Re: Request for site review

What I do...

The logo is an identifier for the site - it is basically a graphic that can
be remembered. 

In text, as an alt, I use the name of the thing being identified - for
example W3C. In the title of the image I explain that it is a logo (human
redable text about the role of the image in the page)

For example:

  <img src="w3c_home" alt="World Wide Web Consortium" title="W3C Logo" />

(As Marjolein points out, this is different from text intended to be read.)


Charles McCN

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Marjolein Katsma wrote:

  At 07:55 2000-04-14 -0400, David Poehlman wrote:
  >The word logo in an alt tag belies the function of alt.
  >alt is to present an alternative equivalent to, not the function of the
  OK, maybe I'm dumb.
cmn: I doubt it...
  I just don't see a better alternative to the W3C logo than "W3C logo".
  Can you make up a better ALT attribute that still conveys the fact that
  it *is* a logo, and not "text to be read"?

Received on Friday, 14 April 2000 09:03:23 UTC