Re: Seeking guidance...

Here's another thought on the "OnFocus" and related issues.  Screen readers
are increasingly providing the ability to walk through a document as if one
were reviewing a document in a word processor.  This means that you can get
to a link either by tabbing or by cursoring.  Then there are mechanisms for
building lists of links to permit getting to a link or activating a link
without having to view the full page to get there (wherever "there" might
be).  I'm a little uncomfortable with having an OnFocus event trigger
automatically whenever I might "walk" across the text that had the
mouse-over, but at the same time I wonder if "mouse-overable" links are
always available in the list of things one can tab to.  Perhaps screen
readers need the ability to "snap" the focus to the point where one's text
cursor is located provided that point in the text is capable of receiving
the focus? or is there another way to look at it? At the moment it seems
like you could have a text cursor position, a focus, and then the ability to
activate the object at the focus, probably by pressing <Return>.  Does this
bring up any issues that haven't been discussed thus far?

Jerry Weichbrodt

Received on Monday, 10 April 2000 12:19:09 UTC