RE: Seeking guidance...

You guys,

Maybe I am dense, but I just do not get the issue, it is not as complicated
as you are making it.

The issue raised on would be addressed by guideline 6.2,
make the users aware of dynamic content. It should not be on the AT vendor
to account for it.

I also think that mouseover and onfocus are synonymous. Using IE, I can tab
between selectable objects. But, the object is not activated until I hit
enter. I think this echoes what Bruce was saying


David M. Clark
Director of Accessibility
350 Fifth Ave., Suite 6812, New York, NY 10118
Phone: 212/643-0650x256 Fax: 212/643-6704
Email:  URL:
Boston Office: 617/859-0367 (phone/fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Charles McCathieNevile
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:52 PM
To: Leonard R. Kasday
Cc: Bruce Bailey;;; Marjolein
Subject: RE: Seeking guidance...

At some point it is up to the screenreader to work properly. If the authors
have done what is necessary to amke sure that access is possible (including
ensure that the script stuff is not necessary to understand the page) there
needs to be some work done by people who provide access to the content
through software such as browsers and assistive technologies.

Having a way of authoring that supports accessibility is vital for
accessibility, but unless there are also user agents that support
accessibility the web will still be only for some people.

Charles McCN

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Leonard R. Kasday wrote:
  For example, take

  As you mouseover items on a menu, another image changes to show some more
  And, bless them, their javascript also changes the alt text of that other

  Are screenreaders going to show this changed alt text in the other image?

  Also, what if a mouseover changes the image it was on.  What does the
  screenreader read when it the image gets focus?  the original alt text or
  the changed alt text?


Received on Friday, 7 April 2000 18:19:27 UTC