Re: Seeking guidance...


i am a litel confused here.  Our mouseover movements don't trigger any
other actions, e.g. pop-up windows, etc.  they just draw a picture to be
associated with the link.  what would be the benefit of having a keyboard
shortcut to doing this?  can you help clear this up for me so I understand
this better.  Thanks.  

jeffrey Pledger 
President, At 06:56 AM 4/6/00 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>Yep, this is correct.
>Charles McCN
>On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Jeffrey pledger wrote:
>  Let me reiterate your comments so I am sure i understand them correctly.
>  the requirement is to not only have the mouseover movements work with a
>  mouse, but to also put in keyboard evquivilants.  Is this correct or am i
>  misreading your suggestion for compliance.  Thanks.  
>  Jeffrey Pledger 
>  President, At 12:31 AM 4/6/00 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2000 22:41:24 UTC