- From: Francisco Godinho <f.godinho@mail.telepac.pt>
- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 14:25:26 -0000
- To: <Rafael.Romero@uv.es>, "CAPS - Luis Azevedo" <pclma@alfa.ist.utl.pt>, "Waddell, Cynthia" <cynthia.waddell@ci.sj.ca.us>, <atec@ctv.es>, <cb@ftb-volmarstein.de>, <sinarmaya@retemail.es>, <FernandoBotelho@Altavista.net>, "Javier RomaƱach" <jromanac@dial.eunet.es>, "EBU - ONCE" <rrii@once.es>, <Ronan.P.McGuirk@AIB.IE>, "Michael Burks" <mburks952@worldnet.att.net>, <paciello@webable.com>, <vcerf@mci.net>
- Cc: "WAI Interest Group" <w3c-wai-ig@w3.org>
Hello The Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology invited me, last Tuesday, to plan a special European Ministerial conference concerning people with disabilities and the Information society during the Portuguese presidency of the European Union. The accessibility on the Internet for people with disabilities in European Union will be, of course, one of the topics. Best regards Francisco Godinho -----Original Message----- From: vinton g. cerf <vcerf@mci.net> To: Francisco Godinho <f.godinho@mail.telepac.pt>; gago@mct.pt <gago@mct.pt> Cc: isoc-trustees@isoc.org <isoc-trustees@isoc.org>; istf-participants@lyris.isoc.org <istf-participants@lyris.isoc.org>; Wendy Rickard <rickard@rickardgroup.com> Date: Domingo, 7 de Novembro de 1999 13:32 Subject: European Ministerial Conference for the Information Society Date: November 7, 1999 To: European Ministerial conference for the Information Society From: Internet Society/Internet Societal Task Force Subject: Internet and Web Accessibility The Internet Societal Task Force (ISTF) was created in 1999 by the Internet Society (ISOC) to operate in parallel with ISOC's Internet Engineering Task Force and Internet Research Task Force. The Internet Society is an organization of individuals, businesses and institutions whose interest is in the continued evolution and further spread of the Internet. The participants in the ISTF are committed to the vision that the Internet is for Everyone but they also realize that there are many barriers to achieving that objective. One of the earliest working groups of the task force is devoted to assessing ways to make the Internet more accessible, including accessible Web design, to people with disabilities or who face other limitations that impede their access to the Internet and the services it supports. The members of ISOC and the participants in the ISTF believe that the Internet should be for everyone. To make it truly for everyone, it must offer access to information and services for all. In that spirit the Internet Societal Task Force of the Internet Society fully and completely endorses the efforts of the Portuguese Accessibility Special Interest Group to have Internet Accessibility issues of all types, and in particular those of the World Wide Web, included in the European Ministerial conference for the Information Society. Vinton Cerf Chairman, ISTF on behalf of its steering group and participants ================================================================= I am moving to a new MCI WorldCom facility on Nov 11, 1999 MCI WorldCom 22001 Loudoun County Parkway Building F2, 4th Floor, ATTN: Vint Cerf Ashburn, VA 20147 Main Telephone # (703) 886-5600 "INTERNET IS FOR EVERYONE!" See you at INET2000, Yokohama, Japan July 18-21, 2000 http://www.isoc.org/inet2000
Received on Thursday, 11 November 1999 09:30:01 UTC