Re: Stylesheet columnisation

At 09:22 AM 11/1/1999 , GARETH P PARKINSON wrote:
>Does anyone know if stylesheets can be used to format text into columns, or is it only possible when using tables for layout?

Yes, you can use stylesheets for columnar layout.  It's not
particularly easy to get something that's supported by the
major browsers and still degrades easily, but once you have
it worked out, it's not too hard to do.

I have an old version of my homepage that still exists chiefly
because it's a good stylesheets-columns layout example, although I
haven't updated the content for a long time.  It _looks_ as if it's
done with tables, but there's nary a table to be found in the
entire page, just CSS:

It generally looks best in Internet Explorer 5.0, then Opera 3.6
(although the icons don't lay out nicely) and finally in Netscape

Warning:  The page isn't maintained, and many of the d-links don't
work, although I'm quite proud of the CSS-P (positioning) that
places the little Ds _on_ the graphics in some cases. :)

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Monday, 1 November 1999 12:40:38 UTC