Re: Can ADA be counterproductive (was Re: Legal leg to stand on?)

Ok guys!!!   Let me summarize the problem the way I see it.  On the one 
hand, the ADA is an excellent incentive for people in the United States to
make life easier for people with disabilities and I don't think anybody
contests that fact.

The problem lies outside the U.S..  The fact is that you cannot use the ADA
outside the US as an incentive to make web sites accessible. It is where it
could have a counter-effect, making people feel that, since the law only
concerns the US, other people don't have to make any effort of making their
web sites accessible.

 What is, then, the best way to deal with it.  Point the ADA as an example?
Or, rather, leaving ADA out, finding incentives that people of every country
could relate to.

I believe that the answer lies somewhere between both extremes and through
open-minded discussions...


Sophie Latulippe
Quebec, Canada

> I wonder,
> how many of you who rail against the ADA actually have a disability?  How
> many of you are unemployed because you are disabled?  How many of you are
> denigrated and looked down upon?  How many of you face condescending people
> who tell you it is amazing that you can do what you do?  How many of you are
> disabled and have any understanding of what most people with disabilities
> face in their everyday lives?  How many of you ever experienced not being
> able to find an accessible restroom?
> Sincerely,
> Mike Burks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Kelly <>

> To: Kynn Bartlett <>
> Cc: 'WAI Interest Group' <>
> Date: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 8:37 AM
> Subject: Can ADA be counterproductive (was Re: Legal leg to stand on?)
>>Kynn Bartlett said:
>>> My _guess_ is that you won't be able to use this approach on them.
>>> I would suspect that an economic motive would work better rather
>>> than a legal one
>>Kynn's comments (which I'd agree with - especially as the ADA is not
>>relevant to most of the world!) reminds me that I've heard rumours that
> some
>>websites have been removed, rather than made accessible, when threatened
>>with the ADA.  Can anyone confirm this?
>>Brian Kelly
>>Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
>>UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, England, BA2 7AY
>>Email:     URL:
>>Phone:  01225 323943            FAX:   01225 826838

Received on Tuesday, 23 March 1999 10:02:43 UTC