Re: Addition to Page Authoring Guidelines....??

At 01:18 p.m. 01/25/99 -0500, B.K. DeLong wrote:
>I'd like to suggest that something stating that ALT attributes should
>contain meaningful content and not filename or image size or it should have
>nothing in it (i.e. ALT="").

The current techniques document says:

Alternative text (Alt-text)
  Alternative text represents the function of the content.
  Alternative text should not describe visual appearance or how
  something sounds. For example, if an image of a magnifying glass is
  used for a search button, the alt-text would be "Search" rather
  than "Magnifying glass". 

  Quicktest! A good test to determine if alternative text is useful
  is to imagine reading the document aloud over the telephone. What
  would you say upon encountering this image to make the page
  comprehensible to the listener?

Does this do what you ask for?

Kynn Bartlett  <>         
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
Six Principles of Accessible Web Design:
Spring 1999 Virtual Dog Show!           
Enroll now for my web accessibility course

Received on Monday, 25 January 1999 13:35:55 UTC