Your feedback requested and appreciated.

I've been tinkering for the past few weeks with my personal web site.

The objective has been to explore a variety of issues, particularly
accessiblity and coincidentally style sheets and frames and tables.

As I've been reading the remarks of this group for a month or so, I've been
slowly coming to the conclusion that there is no single answer. What I've
done so far is at a rather simple level. But that's where I need to start.
I'm trying to find as broad an answer as possible.

I've neutered many of the links on the main menu because the pages behind
them won't contribute to my immediate quest. The "Carnival" and "About"
pages are working.

If you have time, I'd appreciate any remarks you might have about this. I'd
be especially interested to hear from anyone who's come up with a way to
create a "back" button that works across a wider spectrum. This charming
old trick doesn't seem to work very well.

Best Regards,
Joe Night

Received on Tuesday, 19 January 1999 18:33:18 UTC