Re: New York Times -- "Circuits: Web Access For The Blind"

At 12:10 a.m. 12/17/98 -0500, --- wrote:
>The service our company officially released in October, "Tel-Web", is truly
>that, a
>service (as in we do all the work) allowing an unlimited number of callers
>to access the
>Internet with none of the usual prerequisites: PCs, specially-equipped cell
>phones, modems, sound cards, software. or even knowledge of computers,
>or the Internet.  People only have to
>have in their possession and know how to use a telephone in order to access
>the Web.

Okay, this sounds good.

>Tel-Web is the only technology available today that we are aware of that
>makes it possible for anyone, regardless of socio-economic status or
>computer knowledge (or lack thereof) to access
>the Internet, [...]

Uhm, where is it?  For something that was "officially released"
in October, I'd expect to be able to find something about it on
your web page, and possibly be able to test it.

I'm not knocking your product; I've just never heard of it before
and has absolutely no information about what
it is, what it does, how I use it, how much it costs, and so on.

More information would be useful, especially if you are going to
use this communication channel as an advocacy/advertising forum.

Kynn Bartlett  <>   
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton, California
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Received on Thursday, 17 December 1998 12:23:34 UTC