Re: Full HTML Web Accessiblity in NS and IE 5.0

At 02:55 p.m. 12/16/98 -0500, B.K. DeLong wrote:
>At 02:37 PM 12/16/98 -0500, wrote:
>>Hi BK - check out:
>>for all the latest on Gecko and IE Browsers regarding compliance.
>I know about that...I'm on the Steering Committee for the Web Standards

I would personally be more pleased with the so-called "Web
Standards Project" if they would actually promote the use of
web standards by designers.  Their party line seems to be
"web standards are for the BROWSER MAKERS, we wouldn't dare
think of holding ourselves or other artistes to that level
of compliance."

Which ultimately hurts accessibility -- it's hard to get people
to code properly accessible HTML if they're unwilling to code
valid HTML at all.  I'm sadded that the WSP has chosen to
vocally declare that web authors should NOT worry about
following web standards.  Standards are for "them", not "us",

Kynn Bartlett  <>   
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton, California
Enroll now for web accessibility with HTML 4.0!
The voice of the future?

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 1998 15:03:31 UTC