Brian wrote, "What does DSL pricing in the United States have to do with the
Web Accessibility Initiative, which I last checked was an extra-national
initiative.  I can understand issues dealing with various US-centric
legislation, but Internet Access Prices?"

Rob responded> Access cost money.  I figured people would like to know what
the cost is for the new types of connectivity.

I find it interesting that people are sharing the costs. I for one have no
idea what the costs are in Europe or Australia, but find it interesting and
a way to understand the hurdles or barriers people with disabilities or low
income (or both) might have.  As we want to get more PWDs access to computer
and the web, we should be aware what the costs are around the world.  This
is a barrier for not only PWDs but people without significant income. If you
have the information then you can budget - if your budget permits.

Brian had a good point, but I think we also need to understand the other
barriers to the web - connectivity and PC costs. PC costs are more well know
than connectivity costs.  This may be more of a topic for the EO group, but
again this has been useful to other WAI IG members as well.

Happy Holiday!  Rob

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 1998 16:47:24 UTC