New web development system

A web development tool known as Zope, which integrates a number of
products from Digital Creations, has recently been released to the public
(, apparently under a licence that permits open
development under certain conditions. Besides providing a scripting
language and support for data bases, it appears to be more of a site
management tool than a web authoring package, with all transactions
conducted via the web. I am not sure how accessible this software is in
its own right, especially when used with text-based browsers. I have
written to the developers to affirm the importance of universal design in
this regard.

What is interesting to consider, however, would be the ways in which such
a tool could facilitate accessibility, even though it is not an
HTML/SGML/XML editor. One suggestion which I mentioned in my e-mail to the
developers was that an option could be integrated into the software that
would run an HTML validator (or perhaps even an evaluation tool such as
Bobby) when a document is submitted, and report errors.

Received on Friday, 4 December 1998 20:19:38 UTC