Re: Status Update on ADA Web Access Complaints; ADA Kiosk Complaint

Is there further information available, on the web or elsewhere, about  the
ADA web page complaint in California or the settlement in San Francisco
regarding inacessible kisoks?


At 11:31 AM 11/3/98 -0800, Waddell, Cynthia wrote:
>For your information, an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complaint has
>been filed with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and with the
>State of California Office of the Controller for failure to provide
>accessible web home pages.  
>In addition, a settlement agreement has been reached with the City and
>County of San Francisco, CA concerning inaccessible kiosks.  The agreement
>includes the following provisions:
>1) vendor must make the kiosk accessible to and usable by persons who are
>partially sighted, fully blind, or have no vision, including without
>limitation the installation of auditory responses and cues to touch screen
>input; that the vendor must make the kiosk usable by persons with physical,
>cognitive and hearing disabilities, including without limitation the
>installation of large print, simplified alternative screens, or both, and
>captioning of any video or pictorial presentation; that the vendor install
>navigational aids for the blind such as "Talking Signs" on the kiosk;
>2) that the Department of Public Works (DPW) will include the disability
>community in the development of the accessibility elements; that the DPW
>will not authorize any new kiosks, nor extend the permit for the existing
>kiosk, until the kiosks has complied with the accessibility features; that
>all new programs, activities, services and facilities under the control of
>the DPW will be reviewed for disability access by the Disability Access
>3)  that the DPW will provide at least 12 hours of ADA Title II training for
>all project managers, architects, engineers and operations staff; that an
>additional three hours (in two sessions) of ADA training will be given to
>the DPW Director, Deputy Directors and Bureau Managers; that the ADA
>Coordinator will provide fifteen hours of educational information/training
>sessions annually for the public to inform them of their rights under ADA
>Title II.
>Cynthia D. Waddell
>Cynthia D. Waddell
>ADA Coordinator       City of San Jose, CA
>801 North First Street, Room 460
>San Jose, California 95110-1704
>(408)971-0134 TTY
>(408)277-3885 FAX
Leonard R. Kasday
Institute on Disabilities/UAP at Temple University, Philadelphia PA
telephone: (215} 204 2247

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 1998 14:08:48 UTC