Re: Two new sites

Responses to these comments appear below the comment. The site in question
is at (Quoted comments by Rob,

>1.  When I read your site using pwWebSpeak, I did not see this title.
><link href="nosearch/pwweb.html" rel="alternate" title="Visitors using p w
>Webspeak or other self voicing browsers, please select this link for
>information. . ." media="aural, braille, tty">

pwWebspeak does not show this link, but does announce it. If you start at
the top of the page and hop down from item to item, you should hear it
announced. If you then hit the enter key, you will go to the page. The
special pwWebspeak page explains that pwWebspeak reads items in the <span>
tags seperately. Since the <span> tag has been used to highlight one letter
of the link name (to show the accesskey... visible in IE4+ only), a link
like Home is read H ome. I've discussed this with Mark at the Productivity
Works, so they are aware of it. But this explains why titles are used and
every link is read twice. Unfortunate, but currently necessary in my
opinion. (e.g., the home page sounds like this "Home H ome."

>2. When I select the image link I go to the description page, but the back
>link on this page does not take me back to the original page.

This is only a temporary glitch. There are actually two identical index
pages (index.html and enindex.html). That's because the first will soon be a
splash page offering the user a choice of English or Spanish. In the mean
time, you enter on index.html, but once you get into the site, you will
always return to enindex.html. They should be identical, but at the moment
enindex is different because I've been using it to experiment with
suggestions produced by this list.

>3. This is the first page I have seen where the title tag is not printed.
>Its read...

As far as I know, pwWebspeak reads title tags but does not show them on the
page (like <link>).

>4. I find the hidden link to be a distraction

Sorry for this. Another compromise, I'm afraid. The link in question is a
link at the bottom of each page. It uses an invisible single pixel gif. This
is a link to a pop-up window showing a list of accesskeys for the page.
Since the accesskeys only work in IE 4 currently, I used this technique to
keep the link from being visible to others (on IE4, instructions appear on
the page). I could have hidden this using JavaScript, but then it wouldn't
have been available to users of IE4 with JavaScript turned off. It's
probably six of one, half dozen of the other, though. Maybe I should hide it
from non-IE browsers...)

Charles Munat

Received on Monday, 26 October 1998 11:44:05 UTC