Re: Development WAI activitiess

to follow up on what nir dagan said:

> Frames are visual by nature, and any linear support will not
> replace the necessity for a no-frames version. Again, its up to
> the authors to provide the real solution.


I find this too pessimistic to accept as the long-term answer.
Frames are simply too "right" an idea to relegate them to the
problem list forever.  Framesets are intrinsically contextual in
nature.  They capture the layers of the onion the way the largely
ignored <LINK REL=foo > structure tried to.  The problem is that
the relationships are not adequately articulated; too much is
left to be implicit in the visual juxtaposition.

Any problem we have with framesets today we are going to have in
spades with multipanel multimedia presentations.

Can anyone help me find some good [or as good as they get]
examples of framed sites that are feasible, easy, or even
gracious to navigate in [your choice of] adaptive environment?
Start at and at and tell me
about a site that is better.

Al Gilman


Here's a section from some documentation for my prototype browser.  The
section discusses frames and framesets.

    If this browser reads a page with frames, it will display a menu with
    a description of each frame.  The description can include word count,
    number of links, number of forms and a list of significant words.
    To choose the desired frame, just enter the number of the frame followed
    by the RETURN key.  If you ever want to change to a different frame
    for that page, just type the 'fs' command followed by the RETURN key to
    re-display the frames menu.

I found that often the analysis or description was enough to give a sense
of the purpose of the frame.  For example, a frame with several links
and only a few words was probably an index or a catalog of some kind.
A frame with some images, but few links or words was probably something


Received on Monday, 2 March 1998 20:56:30 UTC