Grass Roots WAI

I've just starting working as a member of the Commission on Persons with
Disabilities in Alexandria, VA. I'm brainstorming about ways that the
Commission (and the City) can use WAI to increase accessibility for its
citizens. I thought a discussion of the topic of grass roots efforts
promoting WAI might benefit the whole list.

To get us started, here's a short list of what I have so far:
1. Official city page advertising its use of WAI guidelines
2. Work with chamber of commerce to promote use of WAI guidelines by
businesses with internet (e.g. Create COC Award, make use of WAI guidelines
an accreditation standard, etc.)
3. Work with ISPs, Web Designers located in city to promote WAI guidleines.

Any ideas that would flesh out what I've suggested or, even better, that are
entirely new would be great.


Received on Monday, 23 February 1998 21:51:52 UTC