Re: new windowsscreen reading software


The program you are talking about is called Jaws for Windows made by
Henter-Joyce.  You can get full details on the program at

In terms of being new, well the program has actually been around for quite
sometime.  They are currently testing a new release that works with IE 4
to create web pages that display more like the Lynx web browser has done
for a long time, i.e. pages that use tables to create multiple columns are
displayed sequentially rather than side-by-side.

JFW is one of several Windows screen reading packages on the market.  All
have different techniques for making the web more readable.  To my
knowledge JFW is the first to finally work with IE 4 but other companies
are testing their strategies.

Received on Thursday, 4 June 1998 11:13:11 UTC