Re: Seamless Accessibility (was Re: your mail)

>  PA: Interesting. Could you provide sample HTML to show exactly how this
>be done? Thanks.
This example is taken from the WAI Page Authoring Guidelines [1]:

<OBJECT data="sales.gif" type="image/gif">
          Sales in 1997 were down subsequent to ...

However, OBJECT does not have an "alt" attribute, although it does have
"title."  [2]


[1] WAI Guidelines on Page Authoring  (note that the current
public version of this doc does include the "type" element in the example.
this will be updated).
[2]  HTML 4.0 specification

wendy chisholm
human factors engineer
trace research and development center
university of wisconsin - madison, USA

Received on Friday, 22 May 1998 11:22:15 UTC