Re: HTML produced by non-experts

Regarding the search for a Composer segment of Communicator fix, 
Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> ... you cannot make strawberry jam from cow's manure, you have to 
> buy strawberries.

<Sigh> The question is not whether one can make strawberry jam from
cow's manure. The question is whether, in making strawberry jam, one 
can adapt an otherwise effective blender to also remove the seeds, as 
opposed to spending money on training (or hiring additional personnel) 
to hand-remove said seeds.

In our love of good, valid, accessible HTML we can either let browser 
manufacturers think that we accept (prefer?) the status quo or we can 
insist that accessibility and validation be inherent in the output of 
our tools.

Professional Web page designers are not going to make a browser
manufacturer an overnight multimillionaire; the business world might. 
The average businessperson simply does not have the luxury (and love) 
of playing with HTML until it is valid and accessible.

Regards, Larry Behrens
 What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to 
 find out, which is the exact opposite.  - Bertrand Russell

Received on Sunday, 17 May 1998 11:09:14 UTC