Re: The visual Web vs. seamless accessibility (was Re: RIT - Javascript)

At 06:24 PM 04/05/98 -0600, Kathy Seven Williams wrote:
>I hate being forced to go to a text only version of a web site just so I
>can avoid Java buttons and be able to navigate.

LQ::  You shouldn't have to.  With seamless accessibility, all you do is
disable Java and you're left with a usable alternative (as the content of
the APPLET element).

>I resent being shoved
>off to the text only interpretation where it is then determined that since
>I'm using text only I certainly have no interest in the graphics and
>therefore I am told by an alt tag that an image is "A PICTURE," "logo,"
>"image," or some other totally non-informative description.

LQ::  With seamless accessibility, the ALT attribute provides a replacement
for the image, not a description of it.  The TITLE attribute gives a title
for the image, typically in the form of a short description.

>I want to have
>the option to decide what is worth working to see. If I choose to look at
>something, since I was forced away from seeing it inthe first place by
>having to move to the text page just to navigate, I at least want to be
>able to right click on the image and display it if i choose to press nose
>to screen with a magnifying glass or use a screen enlarger to zoom in and
>look at the picture. If I don't know what's there to look at, how can I
>decide whether or not it's worth my effort?

LQ::  The TITLE attribute tells you what's there to look at.  The ALT
attribute replaces what's there to look at.
>I really don't choose to be totally blind just because I am legally blind.
>I  want access to all I can see as well as all I cannot see.

Seamless accessibility does not deny you any access.  If you want to know
about the images, you can know about them through their TITLE and LONGDESC
attributes.  If you don't load images and don't care about them, you never
have to know that they're there.  Either way, the page appears optimized
for your browsing environment.

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Monday, 4 May 1998 20:41:35 UTC