Re: 10 Downing Street site: an opportunity?

At 09:46 AM 4/24/98 -0700, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>To save you all some time, here's what the page looks like:
>     [IMAGE]
Jolly rotten show, that, I say! :-)

Well, luckily I was able to get a little farther than that with JAWS For
Windows and MSIE3.02. I was able to navigate among pages using the
"shortcut to" links, & even filled out the registration form for the
"Interactive" part of the site. However, there is very little text
information anywhere. For instance, the reasons WHY I should want to
register for the interactive discussions & so forth are never explained.

I also found a link to the Accomodations and Works Committee of Parliament,
with the E-mail address of its clerk, Mr. Moon. Can any of our UK
contributors tell us whether this committee is responsible for production
of the Web site or would handle disability-related concerns, or does
"accomodation" mean something completely different? It's possible that this
committee is simply at the top of an alphabetical list-box display.

The larger issue that is raised by this page is the use of Javascript. I
have encountered some other sites like this recently, where (as far as I
can tell) the only thing the HTML does is define frame boundaries. All the
actual content is carried by Java scripts or applets or somethingorothers.
Has the team at Sun or anyone else thought about how to tackle these
situations? The pages I have run across where this seems to be the problem
were created with GoLive Cyberstudio or Net-It, if that helps at all. In
the case of the 10 Downing Street site, I suppose some of the complaints
should be sent to the folks who get credit for creating the pages: Oyster .

Fanks, Guv,


Received on Friday, 24 April 1998 14:11:03 UTC