
Hi all,

a Lynx-friendly solution I adopted a while ago is that when I have a
picture I want people to see is make an anchor to that pic so people may
download it (maybe they can see it in another place, was my reasoning.)

I hadn't really thought about describing the picture (although the only
one I have right now doing this is already described on the text; it is a
fairly big pic of myself and I put it in a separate file to make the main
page faster to download). for those who weren't able to see it.

It is a wonderful idea, btw. 

I have thought that there could be a d-links.htm(l) file with anchored
paragraphs where the pictures are described and on the main pages, where
the pics are and meanwhile LONGDESC is not "working", something in the
line of:

<a href="d-link.html#me1" 
   title="A picture of me - follow this link for a description">
    <img src="images/me1.jpg" 
         alt="This is me - follow this link for a description" 
         height=Y width=X longdesc="d-link.html#me1">

I don't think this approach is too much of a trouble. besides, in the
d-links page there may be a link to the pic itself so lynx (and other)
users may follow it to download the image if they want.

This way everybody wins. d-link.html may even be a "canonical" file the
same way index.html (or even home.html) is now...

Obviously the best way would be that UA's made clear that a textual
description of the picture is available by any means (by a border, for
example). The "D" approach is as valuable and hard-to-implement as my
hiperdata 'chunks', for the very same reasons of accessibility and author
'lazyness'. Visual UA's could provide a colored border around the figure
and voice browsers could simply say "Description available" or something
the like. CSS2 (DSSSL sure can do it, CSS2 I am not sure how yet if
possible at all) or better stylesheets could provide of resources to
manage this situation in the different media a document may be presented.

Just my 2 eurocents,

<sig> <who> David Su&aacute;rez de Lis
      <uri> mailto:phdavidl@usc.es
      <from><institution> University of Santiago de Compostela
            <country> SPAIN <federation> EU </from>

Received on Friday, 24 April 1998 06:01:19 UTC