On context...

Hi all,

after reading the thread on <ACRONYM> and <ABREV>, I have been thinking in
one of the big problems to deal with this: context.

When talking about international politics, we know that UN is United
Nations, but talking about, dunno, company products, UN is Unified Name
(dumb example, I know :)

Thus, the problem, for me, is of a contextual nature. It would be nice
that it would be possible to explicit the context of our
sections/paragraphs/whatever, via a <meta> statement (but they can only go
in the <head>), via a <span> or even have a <context> container in which
things as intended context, domain, and so on may be used as a base for
explaining what are we talking about.

That would help to render "WAI" as "W, A, I" or "wai" for speech-able
browser (for example) depending on the context we are moving on. It would
also help to aleviate the problems around the use of <abrev> and

I haven't given it a lot of thinking, but I thought it could be good to
tell you all now so we can develop (or not) something "ideal"...


<sig> David Su&aacute;rez de Lis
<mail> phdavidl@usc.es
<from><institution> University of Santiago de Compostela
<country> SPAIN <federation> EU

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 1998 08:15:36 UTC