RE: DESC and TABLE: descriptions for groups of elements

	Chuck wrote,

	>ICADD had a series of Table enhancements that provided
	>elements to HTML to help with "unrolling" or a programmatic
interface to
	>the table.  I do not know the specifics, but maybe Mike
Paciello would
	>give us an update on what ICADD had for HTML tables.

	>I do not think using ALT in a table would be a good idea.

I'm regretting that I tied my suggestion so closely to tables.  My
concern is groups of elements, and providing a way for a screen reader
to describe the group as a whole, instead of tediously reading through
each one.  Although users would still be able to get into the details if
they wish.   Tables are merely one way that designers group things
visually at present. 

Whether this be done by adding attributes to container elements, e.g.
table cells, or using META is of less concern to me.  The essential
thing is to provide this functionality.  If we use META we will need to
spell out the semantics of this application, as I suggested earlier.


Received on Friday, 24 October 1997 07:37:32 UTC