Re: Dictionary link types

At 11:29 AM 23-09-97 -0400, Al Gilman wrote:
>to follow up on what Murray Maloney said:
>Murray, can you expand a little on how RDF would connect this
>connection?  I am behind in my RDF homework.
The short answer is the RDF is intended to be used
to identify resources and make assertions about
what those resources are. So, you could say that
a resource exists at a specific URL and that it
is a "phonetic dictionary". Any application that
wanted to find a phonetic dictionary would look
at the list of resources identified and get that

As far as picking a winner, I have to say that 
LINK has not been widely adopted for a lot of
uses so far. However, MS and NS are both behind
RDF as a way to do what we need.

I agree that the W3C architecture group should
be consulted on this.


Murray Maloney                      Email:
Technical Marketing Director        Web:
GRIF S.A.                           Phone: (905) 509-9120
                                    Fax:   (905) 509-8637

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Received on Tuesday, 23 September 1997 11:47:02 UTC