Hi all,

The draft WCAG2ICT Note is ready for AG WG review of changes in preparation for a CfC to publish the final WCAG2ICT Group Note. Changes that have been made to the Editor?s draft thus far are not substantive in nature. None of the changes modify the interpretation of WCAG to non-web documents and software, but some do provide improved clarity in language, better consistency with WCAG language, and address questions and comments received in the wide review.

Here is a link to the diff file<> between the 2 July Public draft and the current editor?s draft.

The following is the list of issues addressed since the 2 July publication with a brief description, where needed:

Changes to Introductory sections:

  *   Adjust links in Guidance Section to link to all taskforce and AG publications #383<> ? From previous AG review comment. Link added to AG?s general list of docs instead of referencing a draft MATF document.
  *   Suggest slight clarification of audience and outcomes #464<> From horizontal review. Added sentence to Guidance in this Document section after Note 1.
  *   Missing word ? Comparison with the 2013 WCAG2ICT Note #472<> ? Added word ?replacing?.

Changes to key terms:

  *   Platform software definition #395<> ? added references to the standards from which the definition was derived
  *   virtual keyboard (as used in WCAG2ICT ? change out the word ?like? #396<> ? changed ?like? to ?as?

  *   Consider editing or removing the note for ?set of web pages? #418<> ? Removed list of SC that use the term ? makes content less brittle over time.
  *   Closed functionality list ? suggested additions #466<> From horizontal review. Added some specific examples.
  *   Make small corrections/edits to the ?virtual keyboard? key term examples of ways virtual keyboards obtain input #478<> ? reduce number of examples, clarify ?codes?

Changes to Applying WCAG SCs to Non-web Documents and Software

  *   Inconsistent ?used? vs. ?required? in principles and guidelines (editorial) #405<> ? Changed ?required? to ?used?
  *   Missing word ? Applying SC 3.3.8 #407<> ? ?replacing? was missing from word substitution description
  *   Typo in 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication Note 4 #408<>
  *   Some WCAG2ICT content after word substitution does not match WCAG #412<> ? affects formatting, making text match current WCAG 2.2 with errata applied, whitespace. Some definitions also affected.
  *   Issues with the ?platform software? notes for 2.5.1, 2.5.2, and 2.5.7 #414<> ? Change to move ?user agent? into the note about platform software.
  *   4.1.1 Parsing: The WCAG 2.1 version of the SC is not quoted, yet a word substitution is provided for it #424<> ? added another section to include the WCAG 2.1 version?s text and split the WCAG 2.0/2.1 and then WCAG 2.2 into two separate sections.
  *   2.5.2: An example has been inserted into a WCAG Note and not listed as a substitution #431<> ? example got moved out of the WCAG note.
  *   Enhancement: don?t mark a whole note as ?ins? #434<> ? This was only used on 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  *   Some SCs do not have the same HTML list structures as in WCAG #435<> ? no text changes, just formatting was updated to match.
  *   Success Criterion Applying SC 2.4.2 Page Titled to Non-Web Documents and Software #437<> ? resulted in a new ?best practice? note 2 for the SC.
  *   Indicate levels of the Success Criteria #461<> ? Added Level A or AA inside each SC section
  *   Programmatically determine the language of text #463<> ? From the horizontal review. 3.1.2 Language of Parts: added an initial sentence to existing note 1.
  *   Seeking clarity for key term ?underlying platform software? #465<> ? From horizontal review. Affected 2.1.1 Keyboard Note 1, 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication Note 3 and definition of ?keyboard interface?
  *   4.1.1 Parsing ? adjust heading titles per comment on PR 451 #501<>
  *   4.1.1 Parsing Example ? should have ?(ADDED)? notation in it #502<>
  *   Would like WCAG SC level info on a separate line, not in heading #503<>

Changes to definitions:

  *   The note should be removed for ?satisfies a success criterion? #416<> ? PR 440<> shows exact change made.
  *   Definition of ?style properties? needs different word substitution #419<>
  *   In definition of ?keyboard interface? and in 2.1.1, ?would satisfy the success criterion? is incomplete #421<>
  *   Definition of ?perimeter? should be removed #423<>
  *   The definition of ?large scale? needs substitutions or notes #436<>
  *   Should ?accessibility features of software? have a link to the WCAG2ICT key term ?software?? #476<>

Changes to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality

  *   1.4.10 Reflow: Clarification needed for scrollable content areas #394<> (this also caused a matching update to the general guidance for SC 1.4.10 for consistency)
  *   4.1.1 Parsing: does it need to be added in ?problematic for closed?? #427<>
  *   3.2.6 Consistent Help: does it need to be added in ?problematic for closed?? #428<>

Changes to privacy, security considerations

  *   Privacy considerations #446<> ? From horizontal review. Updated Privacy Considerations section.

Prep for publication ? multiple locations in the document

  *   Need clearer distinction between WCAG notes and WCAG2ICT added notes #432<>
  *   Project Task: Remove editor?s notes and text regarding horizontal review #447<>

Best regards,

Mary Jo Mueller
IBM Accessibility Standards Program Manager

Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 21:27:24 UTC